Parish Electoral Roll

Every parish is required to have a Church Electoral Roll which lay people (i.e. non-clergy) can join in accordance with certain requirements set out by the Church of England. 

Joining the Parish Electoral Roll expresses your commitment to the work of our churches, for example you can vote at the Annual Parochial Council Meeting (APCM) where decisions about the management of our churches are discussed.   It shows your commitment to our churches and to playing your part in our Christian community. 

The Electoral Roll is simply an electronic list that is maintained by the Parish Electoral Roll Officer, who ensures that the Parish meets its legal requirements regarding privacy, keeping it up to date, publishing it at churches prior to Annual Parochial Church Meetings, creating a new Roll when required by law, and keeping the Diocese updated re church numbers.  

You can join the Roll at any point.  You can also choose to have your name taken off the Roll at any time if you wish. The Parish Electoral Roll is created afresh every 6 years, in accordance with law, and at this point you will be asked if you wish to rejoin and to complete a fresh form. 

If your details change, please contact the Electoral Roll Officer via the Parish Office, so that the Roll is kept current.  

Please see below for an application form to join the Parish Electoral Roll.  The form asks the relevant questions to ensure that you meet the Church of England requirements.