Worship in Church

Our church services, including seasonal and special ones, are listed in full on the website A Church Near You.
Please click on the relevant links below to find the information you require.
Morning Prayer
Morning prayer is held at St James Church each Monday morning at 9am unless notified otherwise in the Newsheet.
Worship Online
Morning Prayer
Please join us on Zoom with Meeting ID 831 6388 4808 /Passcode Morpeth123
8am Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9am Tuesday and Thursday

Sunday Services
Click below to view our Sunday services broadcast on YouTube.
Morpeth Parish
@morpethparish · 236 subscribers · 488 videos

Thank you for watching. For further information please visit our website www.parishofmorpeth.org.uk or our Facebook page Morpeth Parish.

Thank you for watching. For further information please visit our website www.parishofmorpeth.org.uk or our Facebook page Morpeth Parish.

Jesus calms the storm

Services of Daily Prayer
Access full-text versions of The Church of England Services of Daily Prayer, which are available in both Contemporary (Common Worship) and Traditional (Book of Common Prayer) forms and for all times of the day.